Le Marche wineries produce a large variety of wines including 13 that carry the D.O.C. label. Many of these wines are a well-kept secret and in the past have been little known outside of Italy.
However, the Le Marche region wine producers have started attracting attention overseas and full bodied Rosso Conero and Rosso Piceno wines are now fetching increasingly higher prices.

Le Marche most famous wines
This quality wine is the region’s pride. The well-known white wine is exported all over the world. Verdicchio is made from the local grape that shares its name. It is a smooth wine that forms a delightful combination with the local seafood dishes.
Bianchello is a white wine, that is produced on a small scale near the Metauro river in Le Marche. A wine with a history, according to local legend Bianchello played a role in a Roman battle. The soldiers that were supposed to conquer the area around the Metauro couldn’t resist the wine and became to drunk to accomplish their mission.
Rosso Conero
The Rosso Conero wine is produced just south of the port of Ancona. The Rosso Conero is a solid, fleshy red wine, made from Montepulciano grapes. It is one of the best and most popular in the region.
Italy tours- Where to buy your Marche Wines
Many good wines are available at reasonable prices in the delicatessens and shops of the old towns. Better still, there are numerous Cantinas where you can visit, taste the wines and buy them direct.
Many of the vineyards are spread around the wonderful Le Marche Countryside and it’s historic towns and within easy reach of our Villa if you want Wine Tours on your holiday in Italy. You can use the Le Marche region Wine site if you wish to create that wine tour or we are happy to help you with suggestions of the best cantinas to visit on wine holidays in Le Marche.